Sunday, May 31, 2020

Not My Return

it's not my return - but simply the recognition of my present point of being. This is a continuous awakening, that here, I find myself again in exact reference to the world around me. There is the same capacity in its endless stretch to hold every detail that appears, and too my own self, through thought and form, is included in it all. I have not returned in either aspect, having remained both capacity and tender object of its embrace, one thing in common trade of emptiness to form. There is no worry to keep this moment true, holy, or wish for it to linger any longer than it will - there is no return, but the awareness that is present, also never ends. It's always here to be recognized. 


Saturday, May 30, 2020

My Own Belonging

it's finding my own belonging - and surely there's no true sense of any value found outside this present moment. This is not a call for mindfulness, no cause to control attention to any extent beyond the singular awareness of simply being alive. I belong right here, now, and this moment provides the safety of existence and nothing more. Everything else is uncertain. Yet it's knowing that I am life, in process and continued in some fashion through every breath taken, that provides me with the reassurance that there is no place else to be. To belong here, is to find myself in deep belonging through every aspect that life offers - I am not removed from this source flow of existence by any means or circumstance. In truth, I don't my belonging - there is no search for a present home. It's always, simply, right here. 


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Friday, May 29, 2020

Lighted Points of My Existence

and what the view contains is no less than the world, and further still such distant stars - all held in sight and more all found within me. Until at once this too is gone and only seeing remains. There are no lines drawn between us, no seer apart from scenery, and no world existing without my own unique participation. Even distance stars are lighted points of my existence. The view offers both my own absence as well as my extension. I am found in every detail of the world, an aspect of the whole expressed in grace and wonder. 
And so are each of you. 


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Thursday, May 28, 2020

As A Love Affair

so it's love - that each thing, from thought to any object that appears, is immediately held as belonging to the whole. Nothing is excluded. This is reality, a love that provides itself as a space for the appearance of every unique expression - yet recognizes itself through these distinctions. A flower finds itself blooming as a love affair, giving itself to the very space that allows its becoming, emerging from earth in a stem offered to the air - and it's all one thing in a constant gift of grace and wonder. Love gives only of itself. Love receives itself. There is always, only, one thing in this equal exchange - to call it love is just a term, a symbol of how I view it in this moment. What it truly is, is beyond what I could ever say. It simply is - and it's enough to know that I belong. 


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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Listening To Faint Things

and then what comes is its own affair - it's not that I allow writing to be spontaneous, as there is no effort for things to appear on their own, and no sense of my own involvement until words then reach the page. Writing is simply my response to what appears in thought, an idea given in a request of a framework for its expression. I am fortunate in listening to faint things, a whisper that lingers just long enough to inspire a patience to hear more. I am merely a guide from thought heard to finding form.So what's written is its own affair, my participation granted through mystery and by grace. It all happens completely on its own. 


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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Reality is Paradox

to see ourselves in paradox - that we exist, yet with no claim to a solid existence, a gathering of infinite things, but singular in our recognition of self. We are truthful only in our release of certain understanding. We have no final answer to the inquiry of "who am I?" At the same it's clear that we are simply being and that itself requires no questions to be understood. Reality is paradox in perfect demonstration. We are reality - verbs in description as a noun. In this light, we are also darkness. Through paradox - we are. And that is all there is to know. 


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Monday, May 25, 2020

Our Privilege Is Found

that it is our privilege - and by this we serve to hold form and function, beauty and meaning, all through our own capacity as an allowing space for it all to be. That I may present you an emptiness that finds fulfillment only through your own becoming, and that we share this as an equal trade of grace and beauty between us. Our role is one of service, offering ourselves as a ready space to hold the world - without concern for what arises. Our privilege is found through what we offer. 


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Sunday, May 24, 2020

All Existence

of all existence - and at what point do we find ourselves apart from this? Our view shows the extension of our involvement, that everything appears without break from another, and this seamless note includes ourselves as seer. It's an obvious spread of one thing, even through such distinctions given to grace the world in beauty. We find ourselves unique, aware, yet still included as the whole. Of all existence - everything belongs. 


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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Until The Essence of A Flower

as a flower does too - petals opening to a spacious bloom, and then a point where this too is let go and only its empty embrace remains. This is our awakening. It's a constant opening to a larger world, allowing more to be held, even as we come to know ourselves as less through this surrender. Our insights are a petals fall, each one dropped in further revelation of what we are - until the essence of a flower is seen. 


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Friday, May 22, 2020

Without Author

I can't really write of the mystery of creativity - yet every word now written is an appearance of its grace. This starts from nothing, a clear space of giving, and it's matched in equal value to my own capacity to receive - emptiness fulfilling its nature to become in some inspired form. This all spontaneous, and I have no idea of what words will come, but only that they do, and that somehow too they reach the page. None of this explains inspiration, of how a first thought appears clearly on its own, as if whispered by some finer breeze within me. To this end then, there is no right for me to claim these words, they arrive without author, and I belong only as a joyful participant in their arrangement. Grateful to be included. 


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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Infinite Supply

it's not like I have to wait for insight or inspiration - there is an infinite supply of beauty in the world, and more so, it's all available through each moment at hand. There is nothing that I have to strive for in this regard, creativity may be a process, but there's a constant revelation of the artistry of the universe at play here. My only role is to open fully to the view, or  perhaps better told, to simply see my own exposure as the view itself. As such - to write of my own nature in description of a flowers reach through air, that I am seasonal too, and given in part to ground, as well and equal belonging to the sky. I am inspired by simply being. This, then, is my only real insight - that I am life and provided for through every means of its expression.


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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

As Form For This Embrace

what's offered is intimacy - in every case of form arising through the capacity of this giving space. Things come to be in a mystery of energy gathered for us to know - that we witness a flower becoming in the incalculable emptiness of its surroundings, and that now our own participation is included as the whole. It's as if it's all offered as an embrace, an invitation to simply be exactly as we are, from stem to bloom, we are offered space to flower, to become the fullness of whatever it is that we will be. This is true intimacy. Nothing offering itself in service of it all - and in return we give ourselves as form for this embrace.


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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

This Uncaused Moment

what if for no reason other than it is, that something occurs without our added meaning and exists in an instant already slipping past? Where does that leave us? Only here, now, this uncaused moment and all that occurs within it. There is no place else where we could be. There is nothing that happens that is not immediately accepted. Any meaning is given now. Through this we come to see that everything belongs - if only for the instant of its occurrence. Even if it appears without apparent cause or reason. 


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Monday, May 18, 2020

In Praise of The Obvious

In praise of the obvious - that I meet the view in full release of seer and only seeing prevails. To this it certainly is clear that this has always been so, never a point of separation between any two things, and that this world of objects and its witness is just a story told. It's always been a beautiful world, yet now deepened by this recognition of my own direct participation - that I observe my own self laid bare, empty, for the obvious fulfillment of it all. 


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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Only Grace Remained

now let go - and not through any effort of my own, but greater surrender, as if a sudden sigh was exhaled by the world and everything became intimate in its welcome. This was my call to relax, no great enlightenment, just a simple recognition that I belong. Through this notion there was no point to struggle. I am free of my own good intent and effort - although both still make their appearance known and provide a useful urge to follow. Yet everything is different now and I can't quite say how - except perhaps to hint that from this letting...only grace remained. 


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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Yet Here They Are

the writing itself is the insight - that from this void of expectations, something will appear. Any meaning is only assigned later. The emptiness of the page is fulfilled, its capacity well served. There is no role for me to perform, and in essence, no true author to claim this words. 
Yet here they are. 
With any insight that is offer. 


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Friday, May 15, 2020

A Spacious Fall Through a Pandemic

and this is just a perhaps - that this pandemic leaves us reduced without a true identity, clear of assumptions, bare, and stark through acceptance of not knowing. Is it possible to see ourselves without presumptions we've long held as essential to who we are? With career on hold, no school, personal pursuits having to be surrendered in concern for others - where then do we find any claim of a self related to an activity, title, or even another person? We are called, right now, to do one thing only - a simple letting go. There is nothing for us to hold to except whatever's found within the moment and even this is a constant slip to something other. It's a free fall. Yet it's a fall through perfect space, no requirements for a ground to land on. Just the fall. Pure. Free and freeing. Take a look directly towards this surrender - what's found is vast, without source, and all accepting. It's personal space that's held every identity we've ever had. It's an impersonal space that cares nothing for opinion, beliefs, or thoughts we've long cherished to be true. Here's a question - could we hold this paradox as our own allowing nature? We aren't any of the things we've ever claimed to be. But they are all aspects of what we are. Here, we see that we are larger than any small claim,. And here is where we relax with it all, the letting go, the free fall and the groundless not knowing. Let's now find out who we really are....


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Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Appearance of Self

it's not a self seen as absent, at least so it seems to me - but what's found is the appearance of a self amidst a vast, spacious understanding. That I exist, and that this includes a unique note of thoughts, emotions, sensations that have somehow gathered to pattern I call myself - this is simply the grace of being and it all happened completely on its own. Nothing truly has to disappear to find myself aware, and more too see that awareness is the capacity that allows all things to be, that I exist as that energetic pattern, as well as whatever force that seems to bind it to an individual self. I am not absent from any of this- clearly, simply, I am the view and that which rises in appearance.


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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Demonstration of All That Is

everything, this very moment - is a demonstration of all that is. This is awakening, a revelation of obvious content and continued seeing. To view a flower is to see life offering itself in various of presentation. There's earth giving room to seed then stem, a blossom being received by surrounding air, and then the sky stretched in infinite reach. Nothing is apart from anything else. It's all one thing - demonstrated by everything. What's found in this moment can be traced in seamless fashion to all points of eternity. It's all directly in our view. 
Our only role is to see, 


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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Occasionally By Grace

so this is all I wish to do - just leave a few words to the page, perhaps an insight gifted through the very moment of my writing. It's not for me to judge if something is of value to another. I write only what's been given and solely for myself alone. To share is my hope for art, that what appears is arranged to please, or give pause to ponder. I am not a teacher, nor even a wise man, yet occasionally, by grace and patient waiting - something slips in, an insight perhaps. Often too it's a case of nothing given but a revelation of an obvious knowledge, a truth always present, and now made clear to be seen. It seems that no insight is ever truly original, only unique in the presentation and timing it's received. In this way every person, each moment, is a gift of inspiration. So it's these few words I leave behind. No intention. But maybe something to inspire and unique in presentation. 


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Monday, May 11, 2020

Embraced By What We Are

embraced by what we are - and by this even our belief of a self, found small within the world, is held in this belonging. We are layers of an emptiness full of potentiality, form becoming through any moment of expectation, and still the capacity for more to always be. In this way we see that emptiness is just an allowing of itself to be gathered in appearance, never ceasing in its true nature, but expressed through every form and function of the world. 


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Sunday, May 10, 2020

No True Meeting Point

with no true meeting point - not from moments slipping to eternity, a tree branching towards sky, nor our own sense of self and infinite expansion. It's never two things meeting against another. This is emptiness fulfilling its potential, just the notion of a touch for the purpose of a reach and object to caress. Reality is empty for the sake of things to be. Form is the reality of emptiness in consideration of its fulfillment. It's all one thing - only seen as a meeting between two. 


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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Seen As Constellations

borders - clearly defined between us, from air to body, our location given point through space and time. Yet, we are more truly seen as constellations, patterns within the whole, not real, but identified as lines within existence. We are not separate in any sense other than our collective imagination, our thoughts of being apart seem to keep us confined in a private worlds. I am here, and the space that lies between us is actually our together - no matter what appears as distance. Every border is imagined, even as they define us in appearance. Reality only knows itself as one thing - and from this we emerge in the guise of our distinctions. 


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Friday, May 8, 2020

This Offering

this offering - and how it keeps giving fully of itself for everything to be. This, then, is the only real and true gift, that we are received within the very space that allows for the uniqueness of our expression. And too there is what we offer - of how we take this emptiness, somehow gathered into form, somehow aware, and we come to love, beauty, and life in such away that shows our deep, deep appreciation. Love is emptiness giving of itself. Love appears solid, real, in order to emerge - it's all one thing, this offer, and the grace of its acceptance.


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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Through Grace and Mystery

to be grateful in this time, and not just for possessions owned, my safety and good health, nor the well being of those I love  - but simply for this life I've been given. It's that we exist without known cause or reason, and find ourselves aware of our unique position. This is the open, spontaneous gratitude of just being, and is seen in its inclusion to hold all things, people, and events that may happen. It's beyond likes and dissatisfaction, there's no bias as to what belongs in its embrace - I am grateful for this moment, to be alive, and to live through grace and mystery. 


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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Certain Romance

why write anything at all? 
And for me, there is no reason, no message, nor anything other than an artful decoration of the space preceding and then after each word. There is no hope for meaning. Yet there is something that these words convey and the emptiness of the page carry - a certain romance of form to rising within the template of nothingness itself, marks left to show some passage, and always a return to nothing again. Art isn't meant to last. It's always an intangible caress of impermanence against some version of itself and then left to its return. Writing, for me, is this temporary fulfillment without need for more - impermanence is ever present even in the midst words. 


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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Reinvention of Self (from No-self)

it's the reinvention of self - from this moment to each that follows after,  an idea remembered through the clean slate of now. To this we could say that what we truly are is fluid, existence itself, being capable of shifting to form and new ideas of self from the abiding capacity of presence. Our identity is always appearing through this original clear space - a collection of beliefs given traction by continued recollection. Yet without belief, or not remembered, what then would appear? The self is fiction - but truly told. It's offered real to the world and in this way we navigate reality through each point we find ourselves living. But we can hold this image lightly, knowing too that we are the infinite backdrop that holds it in existence. We are the back and forth of self to no-self, fluid, clear, and welcoming. 


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Monday, May 4, 2020

This All Embracing All (A Call to Weird)

these are not normal times, indeed, they're troubling in ways the majority of us have never been confronted with - and yet, in reality, there's been no real normal, no time without suffering present but pushed to shadows and ignored. We've glossed over impending disaster from the small of life disrupted by personal loss, to the large of climate change and now pandemic. It's easier to glide through life without this focus and natural to simply allow the days to unfold without added complications. Life is so often difficult and there's no need to bring attention to every detail that may happen. And that's not what this is about -

there are no normal times. Ever. There are just moments strung together that we're used to. Reality itself is strange, a mystery not reveling its every secret. And that's our hope and good fortune. We don't need normal. It's nice to rest in its temporary comfort but even this is an illusion of a lasting time. Here's the key - we, right now, are an embrace of already occurring, constant, chaos. We are the very thing we fear. We are change, disorder, a storm of thought and form gathered through an empty field. It's what we already are at present, and there's no need to be scared of our true self. Yet even fear is simply a factor of this great belong, another aspect of the storm. It's all embraced -without effort or concern by what we are. 

so here it is - a sirens call to weird. Be what you are. In this all inclusive embrace, our reality, we see that compassion is the element that allows it all to be. To find our true self in any time of chaos or peace is to simply look at what's allowed by virtue of its presence. If it's here - it belong for whatever length of stay its been given. We've embrace -already, instantly, infinitely through our compassion. And it happened entirely on it's own. Don't strive for normal, it was always, only an illusion seen through time. We have this moment, for however long it will last - normal or not, it's just what is. Our only role is to be exactly what we are. This all embracing all. 


Sunday, May 3, 2020

We Suffer

I don't know why we suffer, I'm not sure if there's wisdom learned by some design, or if life is random in all that happens. The truth is that it's all speculation and even our wisest only surmise in the explanations that they offer. And so for me, there is no question as to why - there's suffering because there's life, it's a seamless occurrence that accompanies all of which we cherish. There are those who me tell of ways beyond this suffering, transcending ego and the ways of my attachment. Yet for me it seems my path is different, that suffering belongs to the whole of this existence, a means to arrive at the tenderness of living. I have no wish to suffer, nor desire to reach beyond it - my only role is to accept what's found within each moment, to come to terms with my own demands for things to be simply be. I am alive, and all things may happen. For me, this is life in all its wisdom. 


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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Infinite Reach of Existence

and then we come to our own revelation - that we are shown as literally nothing more than capacity for this all to be, and too, and at once, we find ourselves as every detail of the world. This is the clarity of seeing, to simply look at the seamless touch of nature. To view a tree is to observe an infinite reach of existence - that each root connects through earth and continues in a stretch of forest and every blade of grass above, and that its branches receive and give to every bit of sky. It's endless. More so, we are not removed from any of this - the same seamless grace continues in display as the observer. We are a shared reality of tree and self, existence shown as separate points, yet always, only, one. If we look for the end point of any object, ourselves included, we only come to its formless continuation until form again appears. If we look - we are revealed as such. 


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Friday, May 1, 2020

All Mystery

it's all mystery, with a small, parting grace that allows for understanding - through infinite expanse there is still this fine point of our own unique expression, an aspect of the whole that somehow has found itself aware. There is no apparent cause, and no given reason for any of this to be so -it simply is, and perhaps the even larger grace in all of this, is found in our own belonging. 


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