Thursday, April 30, 2020

Simply Being

and there is no achievement seen through this - at no point is tree more fully as itself in the green of this season, nor less in its autumn of surrender. There is always, only, the simplicity of being. We find ourselves in our own various stages of living, and just as surely we all reach a point of letting go - yet we will never be more fully present than we find ourselves right now, nor less in the time of our surrender. Through every season - we are always, only, simply being. 


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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Immersed In Original Being

as  much as I'll ever be - it comes as an invitation, to enter not just this season, but the depth of green that it offers. To be immersed. Yet even this implies some degree of separation, a seer invited to the very scene of their existence. I will never be more than I am right now, and this being life through every detail. The view welcomes, invites me to myself in aspects I've forgotten - with every step I am immersed in original being. I am truly, in this moment, all things that I've ever been. 


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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

To Simplify

let's avoid complications - it's simple, even through a complex reality, no one thing is ever apart from another. We are each touched by the space between us, and more so, this very emptiness is nothing more than our own capacity to hold the world. In this we see that our existence is much larger than this self we believe ourselves to be - as well, we find that we exist with and as the details that appear, that viewed from the spacious vantage of awareness we are indeed the touch of all things. To simplify - there is always, only, one existence, through emptiness and every varied form. 


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Monday, April 27, 2020

Without Effort

so it is without effort -  how the moment simply extends itself to hold just one more thing, another aspect of reality to make itself known. Nothing needs to be done to make this so, acceptance is perfect completely on its own. We see this through all of nature, how a bud offers itself towards the sky in a flower of becoming - there is only the reception of one thing fully to itself, a revelation of a different view of being. This is a tender breaking of self in order to shine as new, a continuous letting go that can't be measured through the lens of past, nor project itself towards a goal, but only known in this one occurring moment. Everything happens here. Right now. With no effort - it just appears. Our only role in awakening is to notice. And even that happens completely on its own.


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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Never Stray From Here

right now - this is what we have, and no wish for things to be other will bring a difference. Yet reality isn't passive, for even in the grace of this acceptance there is a shifting of what is, perhaps a new perspective, and another moment brought to notice. Whatever action needs to be taken will occur now, and every outcome is also in this very moment. We never stray from here. Right now - is our only real, and true promise. 


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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Call To Being

All Men's miseries derive 
from not being able to sit in a 
quite room alone.
 - Blaise Pascal 

this then, right now, is our call to being - without effort we exist, and too we are aware that this is so. Nothing is required for us to be, life itself is met by conditions in order to survive in particular form - sunlight, breath, water and food. These are our essentials. Yet being, knowing ourselves as life in its bare expression - happens on its own. 
This moment, with breath fulfilled and lit by sun - I find myself whole, complete, and given to contemplation. I am fortunate. These are trying times and there is an urge for motion, to take action against forces unseen. But this isn't that kind of battle, it's not a fight to overcome an obstacle, and what I am called to do, what is required of us all - is to simply be. To relax. Yes, even through this uncertainty there is reason to surrender will and face the moment in the actuality of what is - it may be fear, anger, frustration and a thousand unnamed things to cause us to implode. They all belong. Through this raw acceptance we come to recognize that it's not by effort for this all to pass - reality has its own agenda. Our role is to only, always - be, and this is not a passive resolution but its own call to an inner faith of our ability to continue through whatever cause may happen. This is not a practice, no method, or means to reach a certain state. It's relaxing as own essential self. 
So, we asked in this time of virus, of fear, and uncertain future to give ourselves the needed space to preserve safety, to allow others to heal. This then, right now - is our call to being. 


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Friday, April 24, 2020

As Any Branch

it's springtime - occurring fully through the grace of this awareness, that somehow too is our own belonging. This is an intimacy beyond compare, that a seasons worth is key to our participation, and that we are as ready to reach through air as any branch that's set to flower. In this, and every season, there is only the seamless nature of reality. It's one thing in display of itself through every detail. To be aware, and knowing that we belong - is our only true awakening.


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Thursday, April 23, 2020

A Season of Its Own

seasons are subtle, even as they seem to burst in sudden shades of color. Spring is my favorite time of year due to its slow becoming. With air still holding just a bit of winter, and the green of trees and coming flowers hinting at their blossom - each day holds a promise of the entire season. Yet truly, every moment is a season of its own, complete in what it offers, and patient through the pace of its unfolding. There is no rush to be more present than the first tender break of a branches turn to bud, or the green of leaves that heighten through touch of sun and rain - playing now in a rhythm of their own. Even in motion, this constant becoming through the worth of every season - everything stands complete, whole, beyond the need to strive to be more than what is present. We are not removed from any season. And through our own becoming - we too are complete exactly as we are.


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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Of Dive Importance - Coffee Sutra #2

it's a subtle shift from sun to leaf and 
then to first sip - 
yet still sunlit through my 
present cup.

This is the seamless grace of existence, that one thing is, and yet expressed through every means and minor detail. My morning coffee is the taste of the world, of the sun, and further galaxies still. Our breakfast is a gathered force of universal consequence, infinite threads connected to the meal. Nothing is ever just a single strand alone. It's all a web of divine importance. 


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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

More Seamless Than Can Be Told

and then it comes to our surrender - through no willful effort of our own, each moment arrived at something new, even as we part from past. Truly though, these words are misleading - it's all more seamless than can be told. One thing never breaks to become another - air doesn't part to welcome the branches reach. There is no space between the sky and tree. This too is our surrender, life simply emerging through another new expression. We see this, it's displayed in all we witness, every moment in its arrival. Our surrender is simply life in its becoming. 


Monday, April 20, 2020

Of Any True Meaning

and I would say that perhaps it's about potential meaning - that life itself is a bare template, existence in its pure allowing nature. It's not a choice for meaning, but a desire towards expressing what we are with every attribute and detail to be provided. It's seen from branch, to bud, and further on to blossom - it's life without projected meaning, each moment being only exactly what it is, fulfilled by the grace of it's surrender. It's then, that the branch gives itself to bud, and later still to flower. There was point where nature clung to a particular meaning, no rush in it's becoming, just the clarity of each moment being enough entirely on its own. 

 I'm not aware of any true meaning - and yet, it's this very same awareness that allows for any meaning to be found. 

In this light, I am potential to branch, to bud, and to flower - my meaning is existing, in every phase that is to follow. 


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Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Coffee Sutra

and even a distant, past sun, that once nourished its
existence - is present in the 
morning cup, 

coffee holds the taste of light.

nothing is trivial - the smallest detail 
contains the whole. 


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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Listening to Water

it's listening to water - from stillness offered from the depth of oceans, to the moment expressed by a rivers motions. It's a language of shifting note and meaning, inescapable from the silence that allows for it to be told. My own thoughts are a current sounding through awareness, and this listening provides a means for their expression. I am told nothing by water except to listen - it's a clear message, pure, and simple. I give these words now as my reply. 


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Friday, April 17, 2020

Belonging at Once To Branch and Sky

in becoming - constant, seamless, it's always one thing in shifting measures, never ending through infinite expressions. As a bud is fully itself, yet still belonging to branch, and soon a flowers reach to sky - there is no set point, a completion of its mission to become. It's always one thing changing only in appearance. This too is our own process, being life in essence and form, never not shifting in our measure and expression. We are as the bud - belonging at once to branch and sky.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

In Infinite Expression

from just one thing, vast, and still given to minute detail - we find ourselves somehow aware of this existence. That we are individual, yet fully part of the whole, it's all expressed in a miraculous fashion. To see this, our wholeness, how large we truly are, and too our unique appearance in it all - is to awaken. Neither of these aspects negate the other. Seeing our fragility enhances the strength of our overall structure, a sense of loneliness is felt as a reach towards connection, our small belief in self becomes an openness to receive the world. It's seamless exchange, a shifting view of detail looking back to the greater capacity through which it is held. And that is what we awake to - that we are capacity and content, template and detail, one thing in infinite expression. So through this we see that nothing truly can be excluded, everything is simply another aspect of the whole. And this too - is our own belonging. 


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Reality of This Acceptance

it's all perfect acceptance - nothing excluded, indeed, it's the broken, seemingly rejected edges that find their own true belonging in this understanding. There's no argument against this, for our debate too is seamless in its instant inclusion. This recognition brings us directly to our original essence, our relaxed, ever present, state of being. It's a pointer. We immediately relax to what is, our dislikes, fear, impatience, or whatever mood or state the moment holds. This is not a fix, or cure for any sense of unease or stress. It's not an escape from any experience. It's simply, only, seeing how reality has come to embrace what is present right now, without prejudice or design. Perfect acceptance, no effort of our own, the simplicity of what is. Our mind argues - but nothing is rejected. It's all beyond the need to claim this action as our own. We are perfectly accepted, exactly as we are, in the reality of this acceptance. 


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Springtime in The Age of This New Pandemic

not through, but with, and indeed, as the body too - our joy is complete, it's not an emotion simply and only experienced in thought and function of a laugh or smile. Every cell dances to a joyous moment. It's springtime in the age of this new pandemic, these days hold sorrow, fear, and the dread of unknown comings. These's no escaping that. There's no need to try. In a reality of full acceptance, that what is now, will not, cannot, be another way until another moment - we face it all with the courage of our own spacious nature. We match reality. In this light we see how it's all expressed in seamless grace - how fear comes to allow kindness, sorrow finds a compassionate embrace, and uncertainty seen as capacity for what may someday be. This too, the same as joy, is allowed fully with the body, recognizing it all as how this moment, and all it holds is expressed. It's our relief and release. It's springtime, the world is greening, blooming as a new response - the world holds many things, and joy is found throughout. There's no need to search for it. In a reality of seamless grace - everything comes to you. 


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Monday, April 13, 2020

Just This

coming from this openness, from this essential space that allows for the gathering of all that makes us in consideration of a self - the inquiry is simply noting what appears. From thought and emotions that follow, our bodies, and then the world - we see it all belongs, through no effort of our own to make their appearance so. They just are. So this too includes our own sense of being, that we too are somehow an appearance of and as the whole. All belonging, all occurring without consent from some higher commend. Just here. Just belonging. Our inquiry ends than, with just this - nothing exist that doesn't belong. We are. 


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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Constant Engagement

it's a constant engagement - with each moment we are open to the world with all it brings to our attention, to even levels beyond perception, a mingling of aspects of the whole. There is nothing that we're not part of - to simply breathe is to co-conspire with air, a whisper gives cause to a continued vibration, and to acknowledge another is to welcome them as our own in reflection. We don't ever withdraw from the world. To see this, we return the view to source, tracing the line of sight directly back to its beginning - there's two discoveries here, the absent of a viewer, an engaged space, open, allowing, and aware. Further, we discover the world exactly as it is, without need of our manipulation, everything occurring in the grace of its own fashion. We are the space to engage with our own being. It all happens on its own, 


Saturday, April 11, 2020

True Intimacy

and now, through what seems like distance - we rediscover the true intimacy between us, that we are a shared existence, one thing displayed in various form. Our breath is drawn through single air, life pulled from one source, released in benefit for our continuation. We are bathed in light by the same sun, earth given beneath us, connecting, sustaining. None of this can be divided as to more for some and less to others - we are entwined in planetary form, earth beings just the same. More so, we are of the same material, particles gathered to a temporary stay. And through this all we are the allowing space for its unfolding - we are the very distance we seem to offer to another, an aware capacity for others to be. Our true intimacy than, is simply this - space, offering itself fully, for appearance of another. 


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Friday, April 10, 2020

This Simplicity of Simplest Design

this beingness - that which allows a sense of self to arise, our original template of existence, innocent of all belief and meaning. It just is. So this how we find ourselves, whatever truest self we are, this simplicity of simplest design - with no effort needed, what arises, is, at least for its length of stay, what passes, isn't, being is what remains. There is no escaping what we are, and this moment is the key to our awakening - we are, right now, being. It's the easiest thing in the world. 


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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Perhaps A Bit of Grace

this is how it seems, for right now, and these words simply left to note the expression of this moment - nothing more. The only truth in art, in any word left behind, is captured briefly in creation, and then the hope of something, perhaps a bit of grace, carried through in later observation. Everything I write is fiction, really, a retelling of the spontaneous reception of what first inspired. My role is patience, remembering, and arranging thoughts in artful decoration. Any insight that lingers is not for me to say as true, to claim as my own, or try to give away. How things seem, how they appear - is a temporary truth for myself alone. 
And then these words 
are left behind. 


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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

In Endless Bloom

to transcend - as if it's possible that one thing could be other than its own existence. Everything is potential. Nothing is more than exactly what it is now, this very moment. A seed becomes different in it's bloom - yet remains, in essence, what it's always been. We do not transcend our humanness, there is no point where we suddenly, or gradually, abandon what we are now for the sake of a new becoming. We are. It's that simple. Yet in this rediscovery of being what are, we find ourselves as seeds in endless bloom, changing in form, thought, beliefs and structure of identity - but always remain so fully human, fragile, enduring. We do not transcend this, we embrace ourselves as the moment finds us - knowing our potential is endless in its bloom. 


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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Pace of Nature

it's in this acceptance, not through our effort - but seen in the way sunlight parts the night to dawn, a flower buds to a coming bloom, and we ourselves simply find another day of new becoming. This is the motion of the world, of life in its constant offering of subtle change, of how our view is always open to the shift of another moment's scenery. Acceptance happens entirely on it's, and even our resistance to this is immediate in its calm embrace. It's the pace of nature. To recognize this - is to awaken. 

And even that happens on its own.

Our only role is to simply, only, be as we are -
fully accepted in this very


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Monday, April 6, 2020

In A Time of New Display

just a bit more so than yesterday, a hint where there was none of note before - our sense of green grows within the coming season. Everything is about to offer itself in new shades of wonder, a deepening sense of life given to bloom. We had a winter to prepare, seemingly dormant ground resting for this time to come. Yet a season itself is never a separate thing, never static, there is always life in its motion of becoming. So spring, than, this sense of green  we're now offered - is the grace of parting winter, one thing in time of a new display. We too are in this motion, life, and it's our season to become. 


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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Without True Name

without true name - we are that which remains unspoken, only recognized as an unique aspect of the whole, momentary in our appearance. A name is given in an attempt to solidify an event, that something is labeled so it can be held in time, defying the motion of its existence. Yet nothing named is ever static, it's never simply the thing of its description - in this sense we see that a tree is always offering itself as an activity, it's a reach of spreading root and branches, an absorption of light and giving energy, a bridge to earth and sky, and so much more remains as mystery. To see a tree and not glimpse just a hint of its entirety is not really seeing at all. It's a dismissal of truth and grace for the convenience of a label. We are not so different from a tree, we are essence without true name, an offering of many things at once - and always, so much more too remains as mystery. 


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Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Infinite Through The Small

it's to rediscover the infinite through the small - a breath, steps, or merest glance. How one breath draws the same air that holds the world, and all of distance gathers to a single step. It's seeing from the single point of where we are - and how everything expands from here. We find that even the smallest detail is touched by largeness, a flower extended by earth and received by the entirety of sky, one small thing in gesture belonging to it all. This is all just a matter of attention, to note the singular touch of one thing against the whole - it's being aware, awake, discovering once, and time again through our forgetfulness, that nothing is really small. It's always, only, just one thing. 


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Friday, April 3, 2020

As Seamless as The Flower Too

a seamless desire, life in every aspect simply giving fully of itself - it's an effortless pull to be. From a seed's patient rush to flower, to then a petal's reach of air - nature offers a tapestry for existence. Through this display we find our own belonging. At no point do we break from this pattern, we are as seamless as the flower too. Our roots are unseen, yet deep to earth, and we are touched by the same air that's offered for the flowers bloom. Desire is really, only, one thing aching for the fullness of its expression. Our life then - is but our time to flower. It's a seamless desire. 


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Thursday, April 2, 2020

A Blade of Grass Equals The Entire View

it's seen as just one thing - and yet even a blade of grass belongs to a field, and smaller still a galaxy of cells to make this blades appearance. There is no one, single thing, and of course there is only, always, one existence. No object is ever separate from the emptiness that allows for it to be - and this space is found infinite in its inclusion. To examine a blade of grass without considering the universe of its reach, the touch of sun, and spread of roots - both meeting at this single stem of green, this too must include our own observation. We are a shared witness to the world. Now, we really do see just one thing, in every unique facet and detail, the blade of grass equals the entire view as well as worlds unseen. We see it all as our belonging. 


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Wilds

we too are the wilds, our own display of nature, a savanna spread for life to thrive and linger - from shared breath between our lungs and forest, just one air between us, and so we come to know this deep connection. We belong within the world, our own body an ecosystem of flourishing microbes, an equal dependence of being. There is no point of separation from this unseen life to the larger role of sun and stars. It's a full display of seamless nature. It's what we are, the wildlife of simply being, belonging as the whole. 


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