Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why Faith?

why faith? 

- feel the day come alive against you, life touching life, and know that even this is just an imagined barrier in one existence. There is no separate experience from the whole, nothing observed, no sensation known, that does not belong in this great inclusion. 

so what is there is believe that is not now present? If not this moment, then where would faith lead that holds a greater promise? Perhaps true faith is simply accepting right now as always, and only, the moment at hand - and from this point comes are participation as and through the whole. One thing, continuous in its awakening. 


Tuesday, July 30, 2019


it's awakening - continuous in mystery and never once concluded in its revelations. The basis, for me, has been a glimpse of empty nature, and then the wonder of all that comes to share itself within the void.. In exploration I come to find no lines from emptiness to form, a simple lending of space to shape itself into world and back to empty view again. I See one thing - even as my mind shows me distinctions that its made. I have no conclusions, and no final answer to bring me to awake - just this, aware, seeing, awakening through mystery and it's unfolding. 


Monday, July 29, 2019

No Separate Glory

there is no separate glory - only 
one thing aware of its

and awed by the mystery that
it holds. 

it's simple - our recognition of grace and beauty is own self reflected back in wonder. 


Sunday, July 28, 2019

Now Let Go

now let go - and more, nothing was 
ever truly ours to grasp 
at all

clearly, it's not ours, everything appearing in the time of it's own fashion, lingering in a length of stay beyond our reason, and a mystery of it's own departure. 

letting go is its own occurrence - our role is to
simply play along

through the grace of our


Saturday, July 27, 2019

Always In This Moment

its not really instant - we could say that forgiveness is the very fabric of existence, not of time, but simply the natural acceptance of whatever occurs at the precise moment of its happening. It's beyond the concept of time. Our thoughts lag in this perception, we drag memories of painful situations to our ever present innocence, believing in a process that has long since happened. We are forgiven. Right now. And always. 
In fact - our innocence remains always in this moment. 


Friday, July 26, 2019

Simply Say - Aware

it's what appears - and always, only, the world arises as awareness. At no point do we break from this, nowhere a separate realm of observation. Just aware - content and source as one and only given names as inspiration of description. 

We could simply say - aware.
And this alone would be 

sometimes, sometimes fairly often, people wish to quibble with me about distinctions in how they see things, how they intuit reality, their flash of insight, or what's gleamed from guru or teacher. I have no issue with anyone's view and don't really lay claim that the words above comprise a philosophy of how I see the world. Thy're only words. Simply thoughts on a screen that appeared in the moment of their writing. To me - the value is in the moment of receiving, what was given as (perhaps) true in just that instant. Maybe not even then. 
It's my own description of mystery.
Nothing more. 


Thursday, July 25, 2019

As Aware

all I know is as aware - and the 
world arises through


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Branch To Sky

there is no meeting of branch to sky - only
one thing in continuous offering of

through each unique expression 


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I Am = Am I

and now we come to a certain clarity of existence - having seen ourselves as source, consciousness proclaimed as "I am", it's realized in equal measure our place within the world. No detail escapes us, life is seen as displayed through aspects of one, unique yet always whole. 

Our formula is told as I am = am I 

The infinite lending itself to our brief expression shown in form. 

Monday, July 22, 2019

Staying Certain

without story - and yet, too, we are the space for life to be told in the unique fashion of our appearance in the world. Our original nature stays certain in its inherent emptiness, allowing belief in the individual stories we tell, without once forgetting of itself as true and lasting. It's this, presence, that always remains. So, now, knowing this - we are free in the unfolding of our stories, while still certain of what we really are. 


Sunday, July 21, 2019

Insight Into The Grace of Acceptance

it's not without evidence - our existence alone provides clear insight into the grace of acceptance. Nothing is denied its moment here, our best avoidance won't help us stand clear of all life offers, the worst through what's judged the very best. It's just what arises, events, and moments given meaning, people who seem to belong yet one day slip away. We can't exclude the varying shades of living, indeed life paints this tapestry intensely. But we can see, clearly, how our openness simply allows it all to be, from suffering to joy, there is no selection that we may hold as permanent - its just what happens, and even our reactions fall within this natural allowing. It's this revelation that leads to a profound sense of relaxing, making choices without fear of being wrong, and letting each moment and all that it holds, unfold without interference from our judgement that things should be other. For given time - they surely will. 


Saturday, July 20, 2019

When Seeing Comes So Clear

it's in nature when I often feel most myself - not meaning simply personality, all that accompanies my name, nor all I've accumulated as baggage of the self. No, in nature it's easier for me to view the world in two directional seeing - viewing myself at once as empty capacity, a non-self that makes room for all I believe myself to be, as well all the details of the natural world. The surroundings open up to each step, capacity being filled in its intended role of holding life. This stays true no matter where I find myself to be - but nature seems to invite an immersion in a quicker fashion. It's a true gift given to, from, and as myself. 
One thing. 
It's a wonder when seeing comes so clear.


Friday, July 19, 2019

All That's Left

and all that's left is letting go - though even this too
is just a concept to unburden.

our freedom is always now

everything is surrendered in the
moment that it happens.


Thursday, July 18, 2019

Faith in Our Own Essential Nature

we don't question air, our faith in breath is unquestioned until perhaps there comes a struggle - this than, is our essential nature. Life happening fully on it's own, no interference from our own, best, beliefs. As such, there is no need to urge ourselves to relax, to calmly accept, nor be mindful of breath and response to circumstance. It's all being taken care of, at once, in the very moment of it happening. In this realization even our struggles belong. Life continues in motion, allowing what is - to simply be. Just to know this brings us to ease, a deep surrender to living, faith in our own essential nature. 


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Spirituality of Relaxation

there's no accurate description - yet we are in the midst  of it, life fully as is, everything happening in synchronous fashion, and our whole participation. It's our belief that we are somehow outside the events of living, that life happens too, but not through us, that keeps us from a realization of our harmonious nature. Here's the thing - every seeming mistake fits in. Perfectly. I'm not assigning meaning to events, nor stating a belief in divine guidance (nor discounting anything either) but simply relying on the wisdom of what is, now, and always - which is that life flows in continuous wonder, constantly changing, and providing for itself in ways beyond my conscious understanding. I have faith in life. In this light, I often find myself in a state of allowing grace, where even my arguments against reality are given full acceptance in the moment and then gently ease in the heaviness of meaning. They're just one more thing that will be let go of on their own accord, no mindful effort on my part needed. 
It's the spirituality of relaxation. 
And somehow - all I need. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Not Through Time

not through time, but indeed even in the moment of their occurrence - all things are allowed fully as they are, exactly, and given room to be, linger, and leave in a timing of their own. There is no effort of acceptance. Life is continuous in its openness and at no point are we removed from this. This, we may say, is the very nature of forgiveness. 
Completely natural. 
Happening on its own. 

And our only role is in its acknowledgement. 


Monday, July 15, 2019

World is Awareness

the world is awareness - and I, am 
just aware of its 

at this point - I don't say that I'm awareness, as that indicates in subtle language my removal from the whole. I am (we are) aware, simply, and that which is occurs as and within awareness. One thing. 


Sunday, July 14, 2019

Body as Soul

the body as soul - risen from earth and again, one day returned. This is the eternal, life happening through various form, continuous, resurrected to itself in original wholeness. There is no separate spirit removed from this, nothing holier than pure awareness that allows it all to happen. The body as soul - being earth, and star dust, and nourished by sunlit touch to skin. It's all one thing, just soul, divine by virtue of itself alone. 


Saturday, July 13, 2019

Grace Alone

and even now, right before an empty page - there's no promise of words, no immediate inspiration, nor plan to follow. I have no idea of the very next word to come. Yet there is the mystery, and somehow these words appear. It's the grace of every writer, of every one of us really - simply show up, ready for magic, even, perhaps, the magic of abiding in the space of absolutely nothing (seemingly) happening. 

Be content with this. 

Whatever it may be. 

Words - or nothing. 

And grace alone becomes enough. 


Friday, July 12, 2019

Through Silence

through silence - and every 
sound is welcomed,

there remains it's original, untouched nature, unaffected by all that passes. This too, is what we are, quite to the core, still, and allowing to all of what the world offers. 


Thursday, July 11, 2019

Already Perfect Acceptance

here's the thing - it's already perfect acceptance, right now and always. No proof of this is needed, it's observed through every moment, each occurrence is given its time, and then passed through in a fashion of its own. Even are actions are part of this equation. This is our nature, abiding in what is, a perfect field of all allowance. 
And no effort needed - just to be. 


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

As Tree and Its Expansion

through the reach of every branch - and emptiness
promised by the sky, 

but still one thing expressed as 
tree and its expansion. 


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Paradox of Knowing

nothing offered, no wisdom, nor insight given - we abide in knowing, constant, our own source of everything. Even in the mystery of it all. It's a paradox. We know ourselves as life, indeed, that's all we may know ourselves as, and in this light, nothing can be secretive. Yet, still, it's always a mystery, and our knowing remains firmly in this as well. So what may seem as an insight granted, is no more than our own self, as mystery, revealed within a moment. 


Monday, July 8, 2019

We Are

we are - and at every moment this includes life in its entirety. Life is not a series of events that's somehow strung together through our participation. It's always current, happening now, now, constant and urgent in its vibrancy. There is no missing out on life. And there is no one living it - there is simply, only, life being expressed uniquely. 
Right now as me.
And you. 
We are - this. 
Nothing more. 
And never, never, any less. 


Sunday, July 7, 2019

To Be Just Aware

at this point there is no debate, no argument for source of origin, nor life past this forms departure - I am aware, and very much surprised for this to be so. This has become enough for me, noting the seeming endlessness of what awareness holds, they mystery of what appears, then tinged too with sadness for what passes. There's nothing excluded from this and perhaps that alone is what brings to this point of welcome. To be just aware, without need or care to know beyond this moment. 


Saturday, July 6, 2019

In This Space

it's no longer about becoming, I am, and in this 
space - the world belongs.


Friday, July 5, 2019

Any Given Moment

beauty isn't recognized in contrast - but by 
our own truest nature, 

revealed through any given 


Thursday, July 4, 2019

Only Aware

not doubting this - only

and all contained in present moment

nothing more needs


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

We Are - Only and Always, Just Aware

just aware - and this the only
inquiry needed.

To ask myself, in any circumstance - am I aware - and then to simply see how this unfolds. This returns us always to the fundamental base of being. Aware of thought, emotion, sense, and world - nothing excluded, only attention wanders, awareness itself remains steadfast. So, we inquire not to find ourselves aware, but to return attention again to its source, reminding ourselves of our own spacious capacity to hold the world. 

we are - only and always, 
just aware. 


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Just Show Up

words appear and written in the very same mystery - there is the discipline of showing up, not forcing the pace of what is given as a gift. That's my writing life. Inspiration is the grace of simply waiting for what appears. To make any claim aside from this is to believe myself separate from the process, a writer who attempts to plucks words from a temperamental muse, praying to be gifted. When words come, I write. When they don't, I wait. But even this isn't exactly true - it's just one thing in waves of communication, saying as much through silence as any word, and I am included in this, not as author, but a voice that speaks just for this one particular moment of mystery. Seen as such, my role is really very simple - I just show up, willing to be part of something larger than the plans of being a writer. 


Monday, July 1, 2019

Even This

it's when the witness becomes a 
mere note of observation,

just aware

and then even this becomes
