Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Unfolding, Always, Only Now

infinite presence - 
always, only now

It's like this - what we are is the capacity to serve the fulfillment of the world. As this, we are endless, open, and of course empty of a self that limits what we hold. Summed up - we are infinite presence, always and only, and this moment is all that's ever known. 


Monday, October 30, 2017

Parting To The Mystery of Another

the role of space is not to deny what's found within its reach - all things are equal in the intimacy of it's embrace. And this is the template of existence, an allowance of form contoured against against our own spacious hold, one thing parting to the mystery of another, continuous. Our role is not to deny what's found within our reach...


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Through Which the Breath Whispers

there is nothing we need to do - no effort given to breath, nor thought to mantra. Our meditation is the simplicity of it all. Breath occurs through the medium of life. It's enough to know ourselves alive, aware, existing as the plains through which the breath whispers. 



Saturday, October 28, 2017

Storms and Stars Alike

I meet myself as the sky - open, willing to 
hold storms, and stars 


Friday, October 27, 2017

This Gathering

and just an idea - no more than thoughts in a constant gather of a momentary self. We are the space that allows this gathering, aware, and never swayed by thoughts in passing. 



Thursday, October 26, 2017


before, and always after - we are nameless, existing of our own nature, not labeled as apart from others or the world. Names assign us to a moment, time bound, serving solely to navigate the seas of personal existence. Our truth is more - nameless, we are beyond conceptual boundaries. We are a truth that can't be named. 



Wednesday, October 25, 2017

But of Ourselves

free - yet not from, but of ourselves we
are spacious in acceptance,

and all things are unopposed in
their appearance. 

passing on their own


To search for freedom is to miss the obviousness of what we are - our essential nature is free, open, and allowing. Everything happens through - not to us. There is no facade of peace to maintain, no mind set to uphold. It all happens on its own. Our only role is to see - and even this is optional. 


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Of Our Love

it's not a choice to love - nothing falls 
beyond the realm of our

even the voice that argues otherwise.

it all belongs

and such is the nature of
our love.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Unoccupied Space

it's the same space, one, undivided - that which is found between thought and touched against objects of the world as well. There is no line through formlessness, distinctions simply given room for their brief appearance as the illusion of form. It's a magic show, real and yet a mystery of it's own accord. Our reality is this space, and a moment seemed solid, we are an essential part of the show - the mystery playing as form, even forgetting ourselves in this role if only briefly. But always we remain, open, spacious, and undivided in our nature. 



Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Rush of Time and Scene

and always a still-point -  motion belonging to the world at large, a sweep against us in an imagined rush of time and scene. 

Yet here - exactly here as the center of 
it all, 

nothing moves. 

And this is where we are. 


Saturday, October 21, 2017

About That Headless Thing

in a very real sense, not a metaphor, but an actual inquiry into if indeed we own a head. Of course one may be shaking their own sense of solid headfulness at this very notion. Understandable. Yet let's take a look, a deep turnabout to face what may prove faceless. Our traditional view is one sided - the world extending from the place we call ourselves. This is how we navigate the exterior sense of order, a guide through form, and very reliable for this point of purpose. Right now though, we'll trace this path to its interior source, our journey back to headless wonder. It's simple: look from object directly back to what holds it in awareness. We can even point. Is there anything we see that resembles the head we see on others? Do we find a face to call our own? To find a mirror and report back will only tell the story of what a reflection holds. Still, no face is found where we believed our head to be. Even a photo belongs to its referenced time and not our present spacious wonder. It's a story. The truth is right here, in our view, and nothing like that story will be found. Every sensation, sight, sound and scent is occurring within an aware space. Our fingers to this void brings us to a spontaneous creation of touch. Our sight is the immediacy of the view, arsing in this only moment. Everything occurs right here. Including our sense of self. From this headless space comes form and so too a sense that it is ours alone. We come to identify with an object and forsake the source of its arrival. It's easy to do. Just as easy is our exploration back again into the formless - not excluding the solid world but relearning the art of spacious navigation. 
It all begins with a single look. 
In the right direction. 



Friday, October 20, 2017

Nowhere Else A True Home Found

and if not my world, here, found against skin and held within a single view - than nowhere else a true home. I belong by virtue of connection, the source being continuous from where my form is now. To look - a view seen as both scenery and capacity for the world leaves no doubt of this belonging. There is no other place to call home. My salvation rest in this existence. 


"Every step of the way to heaven is heaven." 

 - St Catherine of Siena 



Thursday, October 19, 2017

Not By Faith

not by faith alone - but reality touched against both flesh and vision. The world is my extension and found in every detail, from the curve of each blade of grass, to the wind that whispers in between - nothing is small or lost in this existence. 

There is nothing to believe in outside the proof of our existence - and even God fits in this equation. If not here, in a spaciousness that holds the world in equal wonder, than where else might God be? It's not faith - it's simply looking, seeing with a single eye of innocence, and allowing the world to be without note or commentary. As Christian mystic Meister Ekhart said over 800 years ago - “The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.” 

Look - and see all this for yourself. 


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Sort Of Like A Concert Hall

as the listening - each sound caressed 
though our existence 


Yeah, sort of like a concert hall, but without walls or ceiling - a space of pure allowance, open, and somehow aware of all that passes. And here, sound come and fade again to silence - but still, there is the listening....



Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Prior To

prior to - we exist always 
just before. 

And this becomes our meditation, a soft return to original self, noting commentary as mere effect and not confused with what's observed, nor as the source that holds the observation. We are the surrounding quiet, unfolding without agenda around each thought, a spacious understanding existing in allowance. As this - there is no effort in our meditation. Everything belongs. 



Monday, October 16, 2017

In The Mystery Caressed Against Each One

infinite beauty in the details of the world - yet more, 
more in the mystery caressed against
each one

It's easy to get lost in details of the world, and we should, it's the way of form to appreciate itself in differing reflections. But too, there is the opportunity to explore the infinite space that ties all things together, providing a template for the world, more, for the universe to be. What we are is endlessly fascinating. Look, and see exactly what that is. 


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Through This Intimacy

it's not an experience - we are a deeper intimacy of surrounding, a giving space that doesn't part for the world, but simply offers itself in a promise to behold. We remain as presence for every slight of touch that comes to know itself in our awareness. Our intimacy is without line drawn between object and the space of its appearance - and further still is our capacity that allows it all to be without interference of a self imagined. We hold it all within a larger reality. What is experienced - happens through this intimacy. 



Saturday, October 14, 2017

Yet Somehow

found nowhere - and yet somehow each 
detail of the world comes to 
be within our hold

so great is the capacity of
our presence. 



Friday, October 13, 2017

What We are

what we are - in essence, is pure bliss of neutrality, an allowing space without bias to all that passes, and recognized only as a love without demand. Even thoughts opposed to the order of our acceptance belong in the realm of this love without condition. What we are - is presence for this, everything, and nothing denied. It's the nature of love. 



Thursday, October 12, 2017

A Direct Line of Inquiry

it's direct inquiry - nothing asked, and not even a search beyond a single glance. Directions are simple: Look towards the source that is the origin of our view, keep the innocence and playfulness of a child in wonder of the world. Note each object along the route, from form in individual play to the end result of what is found. And what is found? Directly, what is seen as the view turns back towards itself? This is where we rest, not in comfort of an answer but in assurance of a mystery that will always unfold. 



Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Breath of Eden

this breath of Eden - first drawn, immediate, and
released at once to a stillness found as the
original garden. 

each breath - and always



Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Become Again The World

at any time - I can trace myself back to
point of origin, 

and become again the

It only seems the world begins at the ending of skin, fingertips or even mind - we are as much the world, each stone and flower, the sky and every star, as we are a private thought or separate self. Inquiring further, we find it's a simple trade of views - emptiness at the end of self and full in our capacity to hold it all. 


Monday, October 9, 2017

The Grace For Rain

the sky itself is the grace for rain - and 
every drop falls through its

And said again another way - the mind itself is the grace for thoughts, and every thought passes through its acceptance. The world constantly points to our open nature. Nothing is denied, indeed by virtue of it's appearance nothing can be denied if it's within the realm of our awareness. Knowing the reality of our inclusive presence - gives us the Buddha smile of abidance. All things must pass - but what is true remains. 


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Is To Be

having surrendered design to a life well lived by my intentions - there is found a grander play to which my part is simply Being. Life is happening on its own. I am both witness and participant and even more I am nothing but the space for it all to occur. There is no place for small demands. Miracles happen on their own. 

Again - my only role is to Be.



Saturday, October 7, 2017

Delight In Being Known

it only seems we come and go - appearing to each other, and then moments found in which one is absent. Yet our truth is constant. There is no place that does not hold us as together, and more there is no time we have ever been apart. Our gift is our appearance for another, allowing infinite space to lend itself to form and delight in being known. To look at each other, our only words - thank you, thank you, thank you. 



Friday, October 6, 2017

To Form

come to form - yet always, belonging to the
space of our existence. 

This body, believed solid, and set apart from world and others, but no more too than a particle among the large and small dancing as creation. We are not (merely) form appearing in a backdrop of space - but spaciousness itself coming to form in an endless display of appearances. This body, is held within a larger truth, existence, the reality of what we really are. 


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Inspiration From The Far End Of A Leash

when I asked her what to write about - she 
leaned into the wind and smiled. 

and so inspired, my words reflect nothing 
more than the joy of unseen



Wednesday, October 4, 2017

These Lines

these lines dividing self from
world vanish in my 
gaze - 

and now the world is all the
view contains 



Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Sight Of Our Embrace

at once - we are a great receiving void, as well as so full of world, and sky, and stars, that we astound ourselves by what is held within the sight of our embrace. 

it's our own beauty - and yet still we are
surprised by the mystery of 
it all. 



Monday, October 2, 2017

Both Ends Of Our View

we trace the view to our own absence - from world to emptiness found, yet too an eagerness to be filled, to allow ourselves as this capacity to hold a varied life within us. Both ends our our view reveal a mystery. 




Sunday, October 1, 2017

Nowhere In This - Loneliness, Hell, and Alone

our hell is not of our making, nor is it harm caused by others - no, hell is but a single thought held in its extreme. We believe in a self separate in existence. And so we suffer in the belief of our loneliness -one thing held apart from another. Yet there is salvation offered, a grace given in sudden clarity and sight - it's beyond the notion of belief. In truth, we are alone, we are one thing, but in no way separate or apart from the spread of all existence. We are alone by the very means that there is no other save ourselves in different form, and even that is but an illusion of the senses. We are all that is and this aloneness is Divine in its unity and uniqueness. So we see there is no hell, and our revelation is found in no place other than looking directly at the source where the world we know begins - here, our own line from world to formless self and back again. Look, trace it all to the point that holds it origin - trust only what is seen and the emptiness that allows for it to be. Nowhere in this, is there a hell to be found. 

