Monday, July 31, 2017

My Practice Is Allowing

no resistance - my practice is simply allowing, and even my struggle to accept change or difficult situation are inclusions of a constant, gentle meditation. There is no effort, no noting of distractions or points given to my focus. There is only seeing my capacity as an allowing space, forgetting this as well, and once more come see myself aware. 
My practice is Being. 


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Told As Distance

our story is told as distance, open, clear - and the
seemingly solid world that we


Saturday, July 29, 2017


open - to the point that the 
world is my 

and too I receive the world. 


Friday, July 28, 2017

A Prayer On the Edge of Reality

and every edge a prayer - surrendering itself fully to the
spaciousness of its reality. 

open to what may come

Our appearance itself is an edge - form given to the world against the backdrop of it's own spacious nature, a self created duality for the pleasure of the senses. Our prayer is to simply be this edge, now, both as form in a world of function, as well as the formless presence of reality. 


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Faith of Every Moment

it's the faith that every moment holds - that
what is offered right now, 
will always be

and it is 

Our opinions may argue otherwise, our demands may cry ceaselessly to be met in their time of want - yet right now, the only moment ever offered - we draw a breath of satisfaction. Nothing else is ever needed. 


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Our Own Expansion

we watch our own expansion through all that's offered by the view - recognizing ourselves as no less than the details of the world as well as the spaciousness of 
their surroundings. 


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Extended As Body

the world - extended as body, and 
further still we touch the

it all unfolds as presence

There is presence - and nothing is excluded. Indeed, nothing is the essence of presence and it's this quality that allows for the world to appear. Our body is form arising through and of presence and as such, so too are trees, rocks, mountains, sky and stars. Everything. Our true body is much greater than imagined. It holds the universe. 


Monday, July 24, 2017

Noted For Inclusion

the meditation is direct, simple - we turn towards the origin of the view, an inquiry of sight traced back to source, exploring the spaciousness found there. From here - we face that world again, every object is now noted for inclusion, it's all held in this awareness. We've seen the source. 


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Continuous Welcome

 it's just a continuous welcome - a meditation on all that's 
found within the view, and too the 
absence of a viewer

Simply trust what the view reveals - looking outward, find a single break or line drawn that distinguishes a separate point of existence. Tracing vision directly back to the origin of the view, searching for a solid source that commands the worlds appearance - and trust what is or isn't found. For me, I find an absence of a viewer - and yet, I also find the world directly where I thought myself might be. Trust in this - I find no difference in myself or world. 


Saturday, July 22, 2017


yet only in the
moment that 


Friday, July 21, 2017

Air Against Skin

we are no less intimate than
air against skin,

and this is our connection 

Even space is our connection - another layer of self in the guise of open air. We forget our intimacy through distance, and yet it's the common thread of existence, a clever disguise of spaciousness for the illusion of our travel. We are an appearance in this, form, then air, and then form again as the body of another - but always appearing from one thing. 


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Offered For Its Fall

seen - a single 
leaf drifting, 

my own spaciousness offered 
for its 


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Infinite Turned Around

there's the infinite - no moments found, no way to catch a glimpse without the whole revealed. It's undivided, even from the stance of seeking we remain present to all that's sought. And so we come to seeing - the infinite turned around to find its own reflection in an empty gaze, we come to see ourselves in all our endless wonder. 


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

As The Breath's Continuation

it's the air - touched between us as the
breath's continuation. 

there is only our connection. 

In truth, it's not about our connection at all - as presence there is always only one thing and we give notice to what arises and that which passes in the stretch of time that we call life. Yet at no point is there a split in the reality that allows for these appearances. Our connection is a repair in the delusion of our senses - a reminder that we too arise from the presence that is all. 


Monday, July 17, 2017

We Love As The Breath

we love as the breath - rising, falling, and 
all that's offered in between,

it's simply who we are. 

We love, the simplicity of this is lost in the complications of our mind. It's not something we do with conscious effort, or for particular reasons. We love - because we're love. All that happens in the mind that argues to the contrary is absorbed in the fabric of love. Real love does not carry the weight of sentiment, or deny with bias. Everything happens within love, and all things will pass through love to their own conclusions. Yet at all times - love remains. We, remain as love. 


Sunday, July 16, 2017

There Is The Obvious

suddenly - there is the 

seen again for the very first time. 

it's like this for me, seeing, a subtle rush to presence followed by a patient smile. It's always right here, and only my sense of a solid belonging to a thought made world keeps me from continuous seeing. But that's okay, the way itself is always clear and I always see again. 


Saturday, July 15, 2017

And So We See The World

emptiness meeting itself in the
guise of solid 
wonder -

and so we see the world

To view our own emptiness is to catch a glimpse of our capacity to hold the world - we are not empty of wonder, nor of love, for in truth our nature is to welcome and too allow the fulfillment of whatever promise happens to be within a given moment. There can be no judgement, and indeed, even thoughts that call for the moment to be other are included in the all. Yes, we are empty even for this. 


Friday, July 14, 2017

Desire Line Well Tread

the line is clear between us - a 
desire path well tread. 

A desire line is a trail created by erosion of travel, steps laid to reach a point through ease of travel and repetition. For us, in truth, there is no line - we are both reach and destination. 


Thursday, July 13, 2017

As Seen From The Enlightened Perspective Of A Tree

and yet from the perspective of a tree, perhaps I am 
seen as an odd occurrence in its 
field of awareness - 

or perhaps again I'm seen in natural wonder...

Simply seeing - and even our concerns and judgement's cast are held in this awareness. It's only a shift of subtle notice. We can trace our view of any object directly to the source directly to the source of its appearance - and nothing's found but its allowance. To see a tree is to be no different in its becoming - but to appreciate our unique occurrence as the One. 


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Defined Emptiness

as if wind through an endless plain, we are
defined  emptiness given 
motion - 

sweeping in our touch against the world

Indeed, our nature is of emptiness, and yet this doesn't mean our lives are without meaning, virtue, or value but only that we are free of an inherent self fixed in location of time and body. Seeing our empty nature is freeing, we are not bound to past events, nor limited to a predicted future. In truth we are only empty by an outline of ideals - for in fact we are as filled with the world as we are absent of a singular self. Better said, we are simply capacity, and in this way we serve the only vital function of the world - to allow. 


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

We Are That Which Is All Belonging

It's all belonging - simply by virtue of occurrence. So too is our wish to hold what we deeply know to be temporary, our cherished illusions are no less beloved for their appearance even when seen in reality's light. Everything that is - belongs for the length of needed stay and then passes on its way. Our own truth is not told by what appears or occurs but only in the spaciousness that allows their coming and going. We are that which is all belonging. 


Monday, July 10, 2017

Once Let Go

and once let go - we roam the very spaciousness of existence, no longer bound to single point of time or location. Surrender is a complete recognition of selfless being, giving away even identity of one who clings, and too the one who releases. Letting go - we roam the very spaciousness of our own existence. 


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Of Mote And Storms

In truth - we are powerless. Or perhaps better said we have an illusion of control within the infinite realm of possibilities. The irony is that in our surrender to a greater way we are in fact power itself. Yes, there is will, and sheer force of personality, and strength of body - all limited, temporary, and in the end nothing more than a mote in a sandstorm, believing its destiny is to guide the storm home. In this light we find that the mote and storm are simply occurrences within the larger context of power which allows both to appear within its existence. We have confused ourselves as small, as a particle attempting gain within a stormy life. Our truth is power. We are that which allows and plays witness to both mote and storm. Do not confuse ourselves as small and yielding great power - there is only the whole and the power of it all. 


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Surrendering To The View

surrendering to the view - the
world opens to receive

In truth this surrender is simply self recognizing self and resting in this awareness. To see the view from this reality is clear seeing without the hindrance of a dividing line between observer and observed, again there is only awareness of an unfolding self in the guise of every fashion. We surrender - and become the world. 


Friday, July 7, 2017

No Need To Go Beyond Right Here

resting here - between thoughts and another coming moment, simply presence, no motion of the world. There is no need to go beyond right here, indeed, it's the mind and form that travel. Our reality is the stillness that allows it all to pass. 


Thursday, July 6, 2017

A Blessing Field

a blessing field - and as this, 
we receive the 

We are a great capacity of receiving - our reality is not of change but as the unchanging template that accepts the world as it is. Even the desire for things to be other than what appearance shows is welcomed. Indeed, we offer ourselves as a blessing field, a silent giving of spaciousness for all things to simply be. 


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

In Awe Of Myself

I'm in awe of our spacious capacity for life to be - this unending expansion that literally begs to be filled by seemingly mundane moments to the grande scene of moon, and stars, and all the night sky. We are more than witness to this, we are participants, our own self made transparent for life to occur within our own continuation. Our view is who we are - as well as that which allows the view to be. I'm in awe of what we are.


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Laced With The Pain Of Our Receiving

given as grace - though laced with the
pain of our receiving. 
Nothing passes until at once acknowledged and 
allowed its moment in 

Letting go - we give ourselves fully to what is now our experience, we open ourselves to the grace of presence, and know that we too belong in its embrace. 


Monday, July 3, 2017

While Particles Dance Our Creation

never apart - and I am as much the ocean, and sky, and touch of stars as I am anything at all. Even my form is an illusion of parts gathered in a set location. My reality is on-going, continuous in expansion. I experience myself here, in a point of thought and body while particles dance my creation to the same song played as the universe. We are as much each other as we are anything at all. Those same particles have danced as together as one. We are continuous. 


Sunday, July 2, 2017

It's Not Your Suffering Alone

it's not your suffering alone - empathy extends
past the closed
 circle of self. 

We hold the world


Saturday, July 1, 2017

I Am No Different Than The Page.

Let me start here, facing a blank screen - empty with a promise, inviting words, yet too its spaciousness stands alone, complete in its message. Nothing needs to be added. With coming words the capacity of a page expands. A story is told, never the whole truth for words are only symbols of a moment already gone. But the page, the screen before me has not diminished at all, its emptiness still invites, its message still complete. I love writing, but if another word never came to meet my keyboard - my message too would remain the same. I am no different than the page. 
